Vines & Wines
Vineyards size
6,5 hectares
Farming Lutte raisonnée
The top value of the domaineFamily domaine with vineyards transmitted through generations.
The winesThe domaine Rossignol's wines age well, and they are reputated to release their wines quite late just to help their importers to have wines which are more ready.
Wine makingHarvest is done at maturity but not over ripe, and all is hand-picked.
100% de stamped, the alcoholic is done on vat with temperature system. Punch down and pomp-over are balanced in relation with fermentation and quality of the skins/ grapes.
Pressed, the wines are barrelled, with around 20% new oak barrel.
Cellar being cold, the Malo-lactic is quite slow. One racking in September/ October, the wine are put back in barrel up to a bottling which will take place around February / March.
The wines don't get fining, but a light filtration.